Become An Affiliate & Earn 20% On All Course Sales!
If you would like to join my team, earn money from selling my writing course and become an affiliate partner for this course - The Tess Amy Commercial Fiction Writing Method - please continue reading.
If you join my affiliate programme, you will earn 20% of the course list price for each successful conversion that you have. The course is priced at $379, so that means you will earn $75.80 per course that you sell.
If the product bills monthly (such as if the student has purchased the course on a payment plan), you will receive your commission for every month that the user has an active subscription. For example, if the student purchases the course on the payment plan, you will still earn $79.80 total, but it will be split into four monthly payments to coincide with the student's monthly payment plan.
We pay out around 30 days after the completion of every month since students have 14 days to request a refund if they are unhappy with the class. For example, if a student purchases the course on June 15th, you will be paid in the first week of August.
If you would like to be an affiliate, please fill out the form in this link [ https://tessamywritingcourse.teachable.com/p/affiliate-tess-amy-course ] You will receive a reply back to your email to let you know when you can start promoting the course with your own referral link.
Please keep your PayPal email address updated in the system once you've been approved as an affiliate.
After You’ve Become An Affiliate, Please Continue Reading Below:
Thank you so much for being an affiliate of The Tess Amy Commercial Fiction Writing Method! I hope you enjoyed the course. When you start promoting The Tess Amy Commercial Fiction Writing Method, please let us know by emailing the team at [email protected] We will help you promote it, whether it be on our website, review, social media post, and so on.
Finding Your Affiliate Link
When are you are logged into the course, you should be able to see “Admin” at the top of the page. Or, it may say, “Affiliate.”
After that, you will want to click on "Affiliate Links" in order to find your specific referral link - please make sure you enter the affiliate that includes the tracking code in order to start earning.
Please make sure you go to "Payout Details" and enter your PayPal payout information so that you can be paid.
Send us an email ([email protected]) if you are unable to find your affiliate link.